About the Journal
Scope, subjects of posting
- New articles, research works, overview or in-depth, with scientific and practical value, in the fields of natural sciences and technology, educational sciences, social sciences and humanities...
- Scientists, lecturers, researchers, graduate students, postgraduate students, students inside and outside the school.
Article format (Attached link with)
Author's name, author's workplace (Faculty ..., School ...), Email address; phone number.
Summary: State the idea and summary content of the article (Vietnamese and English - 100 to 150 words; about 7-9 lines)
- Keywords: Vietnamese and English - 2 to 4 words
Research content
- Introduction: Overview of the research situation, topicality of the problem, problem statement, research problem, research method of the problem.
- Research results and discussion
- Research results (theory and practice; research methods, ...)
- Discussion (significance of research results)
- Conclusion and recommendations
Citations, references
Appendixes (if any)
- The publication of the Electronic Science Journal - Vinh Long University of Technology Education is published under the direction of the Principal.
- Each author of the article is given access rights
- Other readers are given access rights
- Cost of submitting articles: according to the attached approved rate; The Science and Technology Department collects fees for publishing articles in accordance with regulations.
- The expenses for publishing the Electronic Science Journal (reviewing, editing, etc.) are carried out according to internal spending regulations and the direction of the Principal.
The expenses for publishing the Electronic Science Journal are paid for each issue and according to the rate approved by the Principal attached to this regulation.
Responsibilities for operation, management, and implementation
- The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for urging and inspecting the publishing of the Electronic Science Journal, ensuring the quality of content and form, meeting the provisions of the Press Law, the Publishing Law and the granted Press Activity License.
- The Department of Science Management - International Cooperation (through the Editorial Board Secretary) is responsible for receiving, organizing review, issuing and paying for issues of the Electronic Science Journal according to regulations.
- This regulation takes effect from the time of promulgation and is valid until new regulations are issued.